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Showing posts from February, 2021

UGC NET registration and online fee payment May 2021

 Visit   UGC NET  (May 2021) link to register and pay examination fee online . Please verify your Email & Mobile and submit OTP.

When I tried to change my Windows PC location and i got this error showing in edge

  Solution:  AADSTS900561: This endpoint only accepts POST requests. Received a GET request. - Microsoft Q&A

Nikon D3500 - Fireworks | 18-55mm | 1080p - 24fps | SooC (Straight out of Camera)

Between Canon 1500d and Nikon d3500,which one is good in auto focus during video making.

 I'm not sure about Canon 1500D.  I'm using Nikon D3500 and I'm really impressed.  You need to press and hold the shutter button so that your subject will be in continuous focus. Either you can start recording the video or focus in the beginning of shooting video. Check out my video:  

Some Web Development Key Points.

1. when we use a script tag to load any JavaScript code, the HTML parsing is paused by the browser when it encounters the script tag and it starts to download the JavaScript file first. The HTML elements script tag will not be executed until the browser is done with downloading the script and executing it. The browser waits till the script gets downloaded, executed and after this, it processes the rest of the page. Solution: Use script and style tags after body tag. 2. An asynchronous function is implemented using async, await and promises. 2.1. Synchronous JavaScript: As the name suggests synchronous means to be in a sequence, i.e. every statement of the code gets executed one by one. So, basically a statement has to wait for the earlier statement to get executed.  2.2. Asynchronous JavaScript: Asynchronous code allows the program to be executed immediately where the synchronous code will block further execution of the remaining code until it finishes the current one. This may not...