
Showing posts from September, 2020

Virtual programming lab, Moodle Multi tenancy, Jobe Server issues

"Err +/- [ ] Flash" message Nikon D3500 | #nikon #nikonD3500 #photography

Install execution server or VPL(virtual programming lab)-Jail-Server in Ubuntu for Moodle LMS or IOMAD

install pimcore in Windows 10 Pro

curl and http error

webpack-dev-server error while running npm run serve (windows 10)

Features & Issues in my Nikon D3500 | #Nikon #NikonD3500

CodeRunner Jobe server error

error while running Laravel crud app

cp: omitting directory issue

installing Laravel v8.0.1 in Windows 10 Pro x64bit

Google Cloud issue while importing the files, moodledata, performance and speed of retrieving data

Theme installing issues with IOMAD lms & eProctoring errors

Magento error in wamp

solve 51% error installation of magento 2.4 & requirejs error when opening the admin panel

reference error in javascript

Install Magento 2.4 in Windows 10 using Laragon App and PHP 7.4.10