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Showing posts from November, 2022

How huge is AWS?

 I've used below services of AWS. There are 25 Categories and approx. 221 services running currently and offers free console for a year and cost-effective servers, containers and storage.  Compute : EC2, EC2 Image Builder, AWS App Runner Containers:   Storage: S3, AWS Backup Database: Amazon DocumentDB Migration & Transfer: DataSync Networking & Content Delivery: CloudFront Developer Tools: CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeArtifact, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline Customer Enablement:  Robotics: Blockchain: Satellite: Quantum Technologies: Management & Governance: Media Services: Game Development:  IoT: End User Computing: Business Applications: Application Integration: Amazon AppFlow,  AR & VR: Front-end Web & Mobile: AWS Amplify AWS Cost Management: Security, Identity & Compliance: IAM, Resource Access Manager Analytics: Athena, CloudSearch, Data Pipeline, AWS Glue Machine Learning:

Aha..!! That's JavaScript

Aha..!!  That's JavaScript  kind of mixed feelings, I'll post  - JavaScript, TypeScript, vue.js, react, angular.  This might help in Interviews as well. TYPE of  typeof null          // "object" (not "null" for legacy reasons) typeof undefined     // "undefined" null === undefined   // false null  == undefined   // true null === null        // true null  == null        // true !null                // true isNaN(1 + null)      // false isNaN(1 + undefined) // true typeof(NaN)     // number FAT Arrow function - ES6 Syntax difference  // Regular Function Syntax ES5:var add = function(x, y) { return x + y;};// Arrow function ES6let add = (x, y) => { return x + y }; Arguments binding // Object with Regular function. let getData = { // Regular function     showArg:function...