Follow the steps to fresh install Skype on your Elementary OS Check which version of Elementary OS you are using. Type the below command to check: lsb_release -a -u In my case - No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID : Ubuntu Description : Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Release : 16.04 Codename : xenial Following were the errors occurred during the installing process. I searched different websites to install the Skype but failed. So, don't worry about the errors just follow these commands. Open your terminator or terminal the command line application in your Linux OS. 1. Type this command to open sources.list . After that, it'll ask for the system password. Type the password correctly as it is not visible to the eyes. sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list 2. Drag the cursor below to find the following lines and uncomment them ( deb xenial partner ). ...